Enrollment is Now Closed!

We open the site to the public once per year.

Join our waitlist to be among the first to know when we open it again!

Scroll down for details and to join our waitlist!

For people looking for expert advice and ongoing support from Donna Eden, Energy Medicine Practitioners, and the Eden Method community.

Join An Interactive Community Space Where You Can Learn, Grow, and Become One of The Happiest, Healthiest People You Know!

Bringing 40 years of innovation and training developed by Donna Eden and practiced by thousands globally - together in a dedicated online space - so you can have a daily touchstone into one of the most powerful healing methods available today.

Donna answers member questions once a month, LIVE, and so much more!

Energy Medicine is not a “one-and-done” type of solution.

Energy is constantly in motion. It’s fluid. It’s responsive. It changes from situation to situation.

YOU are constantly changing. New people enter your life. New demands are placed on your body. New jobs. New relationships. Children. Grandchildren. Stress. Aging.

Change is constant.

And that means you have to continually dance and tune in to your energy through ongoing practice.

And yet, we know it can be difficult to establish and maintain an ongoing energy practice.

Life can get busy and your commitment to a daily practice can take a back seat to the more pressing matters of the day.

Plus, even if you establish a routine, you may need some adjustments over time.

You may need additional guidance or ongoing support.

How many times have you said to yourself you were going to do a certain Energy Medicine technique every day - and then wake up and realize you hadn't done it in over a week?

The truth is... If you don’t keep up with tuning in and balancing your energies, you won't reap the full benefits of Energy Medicine.

Where do you go when you need guidance and support in maintaining healthy energy habits?

It’s tough going it alone.

And chances are, all this “talk about energy” can make you somewhat of an outlier with your family, or at work, or perhaps even with your friends.

Almost all of us have had that awkward moment of silence when we attempt to share one of Donna’s techniques only to have it fall on deaf ears.

Maybe your teenagers roll their eyes at you.

Maybe your spouse humors you with a polite smile but doesn’t really get it.

And maybe you’re dying to tell your co-worker to do a Wayne Cook but you know it’s just not the time or the place.

That can make you feel like an island, isolated and alone.

Without someone to witness and share in your victories, or inspire you with new ideas, your motivation and enthusiasm for energy medicine can wane - and that can make it difficult to consistently achieve a higher state of health and happiness.

Studies show time and time again that the main reason people do not keep up with healthy habits is due to the lack of a support structure. Without support, it’s really hard to stay on track and do the things you know are good for you.

So, where do you go for immediate support and inspiration?

Where do you go when you need a boost? Or have an issue you’d like help with?

Donna shares a laugh with Dondi as she joins her monthly Eden Living call!

The places are few and far between.

That’s why we created a dedicated online space for you -- an online sanctuary – where you can go to touch-in with Donna, Energy Medicine Practitioners, and other like-minded people to not just practice the Eden Method but LIVE it.

What does it mean to LIVE by the Eden Method?

What comes to mind when you think of Donna?

Joy. Radiance. Compassion. Vibrance. Authenticity.

Donna stays happier and more youthful than just about anyone we know… year after year!

To Donna, working with energy tools and techniques isn’t something she has to consciously think about anymore because it’s a part of who she is.

This becomes very clear if you ever spent a day with Donna.

She starts her day with energy work - often receiving a mini balancing from David. She prepares for all her Facebook Lives and Zoom Calls by doing Hook-ups and Wayne Cooks. She energy tests all her food and supplements - often while standing in the grocery aisles of a store. She is constantly tuning in and dancing with her own energy.

That’s a big part of the secret of how she manages to maintain that effervescence and vibrance that we’ve come to love and expect from her.

The Eden Method is a way of life.

And with ongoing support, learning, and inspiration, you can live it, too.

Eden Living is a place where you belong!

What if you had a place where you could go EVERY WEEK to touch base with the Eden Method - a touchstone so you didn’t have to go it alone?

What if you had support so you could live the Eden Method Lifestyle and get even healthier and happier as you age?

What if you could watch Donna LIVE and then ask your questions to her directly?

Or learn the latest techniques in hour-long master classes taught by Eden Method faculty?

What if you had a community of people who spoke the language of energy and “got” you?

Imagine what that would feel like.

Wouldn't it feel amazing to have a place where you could pop on from anywhere in the world, at any time of the day, to get a dose of inspiration or an answer to a burning question?

A place where you feel seen AND understood.

A place where healing happens...

It wasn’t always like this.

I battled poor health when I was a child. I was diagnosed with a heart murmur as a baby.

I then struggled with a series of other conditions and illnesses including tuberculosis… life-threatening food allergies and severe asthma.

Years later…I would get a devastating diagnosis. At 16 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I had so many other symptoms like fatigue and constant agonizing headaches. By my late 20s, I had limited movement. At 27, I had a heart attack because my organs were breaking down.

I was in constant pain. My whole body would sometimes go numb and I had difficulty walking.

Without warning…I’d frequently have “spells” where I couldn’t move at all for about 12 hours.

Eventually… 5 doctors in total told me that there was nothing more that they could do. I was advised to get my “affairs in order.”

Western medicine had given up on me.

Much to my surprise, instead of feeling hopeless, a feeling of stubborn determination washed over me. I can remember that moment like it was yesterday.

I had 2 small daughters and I had every intention of raising them myself. They were my hope and my inspiration. Every time a doctor told me that they couldn’t help me… I became more determined to overcome my illness.

Here's What You'll Receive When You Become A Member.

First Tuesday of Every Month

Donna's Answers LIVE

Joyful, loving guidance and insights from Donna herself who joins monthly to share her insights answer your questions, live!

Second Tuesday of Every Month


Powerful monthly masterclasses from some of our most experienced advanced practitioners who will share their expertise and tried-and-true favorite techniques with you.

Third Tuesday of Every Month

Journey with Janie

Journey into the depth of your subtle energy body and enhance your capacity to feel the energies that you’re connecting with. With over 35 years as a professional practitioner, Janie’s expertise in working with energy allows her to guide you into a profound experience of feeling and moving energy.

Fourth Tuesday of Every Month

Energy Minute Deep Dives

Advanced Practitioners, Julie Lappin and Kelly Goetz analyze and expand on the Energy Minutes so you can go deeper with the weekly tips and techniques presented by Donna, Dondi, and Titanya.

24/7 - Every Day of The Week

Plus...A Private Forum

We have created our own private forum where we can share our thoughts freely, ask questions, and connect deeply with one another.

Your Online Community for Living Happier and Healthier!

Eden Living is a dedicated, online space where we can be ourselves, ask our questions openly, and, feel supported. A place where we can take Donna’s energy baton and run with it! A place we can go to grow into our authentic selves, acknowledging the power that energy has to shift our health and our happiness.

A place where talking energy is as natural and easy as talking about the weather.

With Eden Living, you will get access to exclusive, members-only content designed to sustain and nourish you with the things you’ve come to expect from Donna and the Eden Method: insights you won’t find anywhere else, time-tested energy-based tools that address your health issues, a supportive community that inspires and delights, and a whole lot of joy and laughter.

Through Eden Living you will:

  • Enjoy delightful member-exclusive perks like monthly calls with Donna and expert mini masterclasses by some of our most experienced practitioners.

  • Begin building a lifelong habit using energy tools to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health no matter what else is going on in your life (no more falling off the "energy routine" bandwagon!)

  • Feel comforted and assured knowing you can ask questions and receive answers to challenges in different aspects of your life with access to some of the most advanced energy medicine practitioners in the world.

  • Follow a transformational pathway to improve crucial life-enhancing themes each month, such as the art of activating authentic joy, how to enjoy deep, healing sleep every night, building immunity to stay strong and healthy, sharpening mental focus and clarity, and more.

  • Enhance your intuition as well as your practical skills around working with energy (even if you've never taken an Eden Method class or participated in an in-person event).

  • Experience the joy and freedom of being yourself as you finally stop hiding your love for "woo woo" methods or "strange" energy techniques (thanks to a loving, supportive community of kindred spirits who "get it" and get YOU!)

  • Become more empowered as you take charge of your overall well-being and confidently address -- or even overcome -- health and emotional issues for yourself and your loved ones.

  • Get access to findings, innovations, and upgrades around all things Eden Energy Medicine, so you know you're working with the latest and greatest tools and techniques at all times.

  • Be the first to receive deep discounts to Eden Method online classes and in-person events, learn about exciting opportunities and offerings before anyone else, and MUCH more!

All Levels Are Welcome!

Eden Method is right for you if:

  • You've never worked with energy before, but you want to learn how.

  • You have lots of experience working with Eden Method techniques and you want to improve your skills further.

  • You’d love to have regular access to Donna's wisdom and guidance.

  • You've attended Eden Method classes or in-person events, and you'd like to have a go-to place where you can practice what you learned and stay connected to the community.

  • You'd love to join an in-person Eden Method event, but you're located in a different part of the world, and it would be too time-consuming and expensive to attend.

  • You'd be thrilled to have your questions answered by some of the world's foremost advanced energy practitioners.

  • You've read Donna's books or watched her videos on YouTube (you're hooked!), and you're looking for a way to deepen your knowledge and skill.

  • You feel alone and isolated because you're the only one you know who's into "strange" energy tools.

Monthly Themes

As a member, you’ll get access to exclusive, transformational content that will help enliven (bolster) your energy mindset and expand your energy tools.

Each month we’ll focus on a theme so we can zero in with targeted content on topics of interest.

Build Immunity

We'll focus on how to keep you and your family strong and healthy. Eden Energy Medicine is a great tool to help build resilience so you don't have to live in fear.

Trust Your Intuition and Inner Wisdom

We’ll take this month to further develop our intuition and inner wisdom. With Eden Living, we want you to live a life that’s tuned into your authentic self.

Practice Joy!

Joy is often a by-product of practicing the Eden Method. However, this month, we will take a more targeted approach and focus specifically on activating the energy behind your innate joy.

Feel Vital & Alive

Vitality! When we enter month 4, we’ll focus on getting you to a place where you feel ENERGIZED throughout your day. ALIVE. EAGER. PLAYFUL.

Overcome Pain

Pain can overtake your life - making life feel like drudgery. Eden Living will provide you with effective strategies to reduce or even eliminate pain. Sometimes these methods are so simple, it’s hard to believe they will work. But, they do. And your Eden Living community members will share story after story of how effective these techniques are.

Sleep Better

Sleep issues are becoming more and more common as we all try to come down after our stressful days. This month we’ll focus on sleep so we can look forward to crawling into our bed - knowing that sleep will easily come.

Stress Busters

Stress is part of modern life. How you process stress is part of how you maintain vibrant health. Stress can take a toll on your body’s energy systems and result in illness and disease. Like joy, stress is stored in your underlying energy. Address stress at its energetic root, and let your energy flow where needed to restore and maintain your health.

Sharpen Your Mind

Flowing energy; sharp mind! Keeping your mind sharp and clear is a hallmark of Eden Living. Being able to “think straight” helps you be clear about what you want in life, what’s important to you, and how you’re going to get to where you want to go.

Build Strength and Stamina

We don’t often think of strength or stamina until it’s gone. If you can’t “keep up” with your children or spouse, it’s time to do some energy work. If you’re exhausted by the end of the day, Eden Living can help.

Establish Healthy Habits

We’ll spend some time this month helping you break BAD habits and establish healthy habits. Each habit has an underlying energy and changing habits using that knowledge is empowering. Plus, on Eden Living, we’ll be marching toward our new habits together to help inspire and uplift all of us.

Feel More Love

We’ll tackle that “thing called Love” this month. We’ll look at Donna and David’s work on “The Energies of Love” and help you reconnect with your current partner or prepare yourself for NEW love.

Cultivate Inner Peace

Sometimes when we think of Energy Medicine, we only think of physical health. But when your energies are in harmony, your body is relaxed, and your mind is calm. Energy Medicine also has powerful techniques for dealing with anxiety the moment it strikes, and it can also help you develop an ongoing state of inner peace.

What Eden Living Members Are Saying

"an amazing, friendly, and safe online place, a treasure trove of energy knowledge..."

I like that Donna broadcasts live from her daughter Dondi Dahlin's living room. What could be more homey and sweet? Eden Energy Medicine has evolved to embrace a global community but a loving family lives at its heart!

Eden Living is an amazing, friendly, and safe online place, a treasure trove of energy knowledge.

Mary Brophy

"Being in the presence of Donna once a week is pure joy!!"

One of the most valuable to me is having the opportunity to listen to the wisdom of all the wonderful energy medicine teachers we are fortunate to watch every single week, being provided with amazing energy medicine tools to assist in balancing our energy as well as all the fascinating and valuable information they share with us. Being in the presence of Donna once a week is pure joy!!

Shirleen Johnson

"All in all, this is one of the most positive experiences I can think of...."

All in all, this is one of the most positive experiences I can think of, as I learn each week to become more knowledgeable about Eden Energy and could not be more pleased. It is a joyful experience. I am grateful for this opportunity.

Adriana DiGioia

"The first year was fantastic!"

I have loved being part of the Eden Living community. The teachers are so well versed in their topics and every class has something I can take away to make my life better. They don’t just talk about problems but show you solutions. One of the best parts is having links immediately available to information presented during a class. The first year was fantastic!

Vicki Finster

"I integrate so much of this huge wisdom into my life ... "Eden Living“ becomes real for me."

I really love to be part of this community. I started one year ago and there is so much that I learned in this past year. The main thing for me is that I integrate so much of this huge wisdom into my life and the title of this platform "Eden Living“ becomes real for me. Every Tuesday I am looking forward to how the teacher brings the topic to us and a few minutes after the end I have all the links and videos the teacher referred to. I also learn a lot through the questions which are asked from other members and the quick answers and if you also have a question, you get the answer within a very short time. I really appreciate this. You also can feel the love and enthusiasm of everybody who is working on this platform.

Irmgard Obermeier

What would you spend each month to get this kind of training, support, and inspiration?

Think about the things you purchase each month – without even thinking about it – to make life a little better.

For some, it’s stopping in for a drive-through coffee (or 2 or 3…)

For others, it’s “retail therapy”. 🙂

Others of us couldn’t survive without our TV subscriptions. (If you haven’t seen Hacks or The Bear, you HAVE to watch. 🙂

Without realizing it, we all spend a little bit every month to make life a little more pleasurable.

What if you could spend a little every month and make life a whole lot more “pleasurable”.

And by pleasurable, we mean have more energy, more vitality, more fun.


Together with Donna.

And our Certified Practitioners. And fellow students and other people who love the Eden Method just like you!

Imagine what that could mean for you and your health. How much it could begin to make every day feel a little better. A little (a lot) brighter.

All for less than the price of your standard Netflix subscription, or just a few of those drive-through lattes! You could have access to something that will ongoingly uplift and sustain your good health.

So, in addition to watching your favorite streaming movies and shows every month, you can tune in for a segment called Donna’s Answers. Or check out a master class with one of our Certified Practitioners. Or connect with other members in our exclusive forum. Or, or, or…

All of this for just $22.95 a month. (Even less, if you sign up for a year!)

And what’s extra special… If you join now, that price will NEVER change for you. You will lock in that super-discounted price for the length of your membership.

Enrollment is Now Closed!
Join Our Waitlist!

Thank you for your interest in Eden Living.

We close enrollment so we can move through the months together, building upon what we learn, and getting to really know one another through repeated contact. As a member of Eden Living, you will help us know what to feature in Eden Living, what you want more of, and what we need to tweak or change.

This is YOUR SPACE, and you will have a voice in helping to make it the best space ever.

Plus, as an active member, your monthly price will remain the same for the entire length of your membership – basically for life!

We’ll continue to grow and enhance everything inside Eden Living, which means when you get a chance to join, the site should have at least a year's worth of even more excellent content for you to choose!

Cancel At Any Time With No Penalties or Fees.

If at any time during your membership you decide that you want to cancel, you can email customer service at [email protected] and cancel your membership.

All memberships are canceled at the beginning of the month that immediately follows your cancellation date.

There are no additional fees or obligations. Please see our FAQ below for details.

Please note: Your subscription is set to auto-renew.

And if you have any other questions - please contact us.

Join Our Waitlist To Become a Member of Eden Living When it Opens and Nourish Your Good Health with Expert Advice and the Latest in Energy Tools and Techniques!

Here's what you'll receive when you become a member of Eden Living. Each week we'll post NEW content that relates to the month's theme.

  • Monthly LIVE hour-long calls with Donna where you can ask questions to her directly and get the most up-to-date answers directly from the source.

  • Monthly masterclasses with our top practitioners and faculty members so you can continue to expand your knowledge and at-home practice.

  • Monthly segments where you get to tune in to your own energy and begin to develop your own energy sensitivities and awareness.

  • Monthly deep-dives into our energy minutes so you can know WHY these often very simple looking techniques can have a profound impact on your health

  • 24/7 Access to a private forum where you can post questions and share information with other Eden Living members. This is an amazing way to stay connected with other Eden Method users.

  • A friendly and highly responsive customer support team ready to assist you with your questions.

Join Our Waitlist!

An Important Choice To Make

Sometimes it’s hard to take action when it comes to caring for ourselves.

It can feel much easier to take care of our children, or our spouses, or even our parents.

But when it comes to caring for ourselves, we are often last on our list.

You probably spend money on your children's needs without thinking too hard on it. Maybe it's a dance class, or gymnastics, or sports.

Or perhaps you encourage your spouse to take time for the things they love, like golf or time with friends.

But when's the last time you spent money on yourself? Or took time out just for you?

Caring for others while leaving yourself behind can catch up with you.

Over time, your energy gets depleted.

And when your energy is depleted, you can imagine what happens.

Besides feeling tired, it actually puts quite a bit of stress on your energy systems. They have to compensate by borrowing energy from one another and often one or two energy systems just don't have enough left to function properly... and that can put you at risk of illness and disease.

Right now, you have an opportunity to change all that.

You have an opportunity to set yourself up for health and happiness - to have support in putting yourself back on your list.

An opportunity that puts you in steady contact with one of the best healing methods of our time and connects you to a supportive group of people that are dedicated to living healthy and happy.

A choice just for YOU.

What will you choose?

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who will benefit from "Eden Living"?

A. People of all backgrounds can benefit from Eden Living. You do not need any previous experience in energy medicine to become a member. The goal is to create a supportive environment where everyone feels uplifted and inspired to adopt an Eden Lifestyle. And of course, we all need to start where we are at to get there.

Q. Is "Eden Living" content always available or will it expire?

A. As long as you remain a member, you can access all the content on the site at any time. We will be adding content every Tuesday so we expect to have plenty of content for you to return to, time and time again.

Q. Can I cancel at anytime without a penalty?

A. Yes! You can cancel your membership at any time. All cancellations will take effect on the first of the month. So, if you cancel on January 15th, your cancellation will begin February 1st and we will not bill you for February.

Please note: When you cancel, you will forfeit your membership price. So, if you want to re-join, you will rejoin at the current membership price.

If you cancel an annual membership, your plan will be converted to the current monthly membership price for the months you used and you'll be refunded the difference.

To cancel your membership or ask us a question regarding your plan, just drop us an email at [email protected].

Q. I am not a fan of Facebook. Is the Eden Living forum private?

A. Eden Living uses its own private forum. It is intended to be an open space for honest and kind communication. Our forum will be monitored and we expect it to be full of lively and helpful discussions.

Q. How is the "Eden Living" structured?

When you become a member to Eden Living, you will receive a login to access the site. At that point you have unlimited access to browse around and choose things that interest you.

Every Tuesday, at noon, Pacific time, we will post fresh content to the site. So be sure to mark your calendars on Tuesday. Once posted, the content will remain on the site for you to consume at any time.

We also have a private, members-only forum where you can connect with other members and share successes and solutions with each other.

Q. How am I billed?

Just like other subscription services, your card will automatically be charged when your fee is due. Monthly subscribers will be charged on the first of every month.

We use a secure payment gateway called "PayWhirl" to manage our subscriptions. When you purchase your membership, you will get a login to PayWhirl to manage your payment methods.

Please note: You will be auto-renewed at the end of your subscription cycle.

Click the "Join Now" Button To Become a Member of Eden Living and Join a Community of People That Will Sustain and Nourish Your Good Health with the Latest in Energy Tools and Techniques!

Pick a Membership Plan That's Right For You!

You can pay every month or pay for the entire year. If you choose to pay for the entire year, you will get 12 months for the price of 10!

You can cancel both plans at any time without any penalties.

Monthly Membership

Best Value

Annual Membership

Save on 2 Months

Pay a low monthly fee and access some incredible content.

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Annual Membership

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Join Our Waitlist To Become a Member of Eden Living When it Opens and Nourish Your Good Health with Expert Advice and the Latest in Energy Tools and Techniques!

Join Our Waitlist!

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Pay a low monthly fee and access some incredible content.

You can cancel at any time.



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Save on two months of payments by signing up for an annual membership. You can cancel at any time.



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